Monday, October 6, 2008


Busy weekend! I worked on Saturday, then Kate, her friend Ronnie, and I cleaned house ALL DAY yesterday, bleh. But it looks good and the in-laws are coming, and it's nice to feel like I accomplished something.

While we were working our fingers to the bone, Joe and Jim were at a race. Joe won!!! Yay :)

Mrs. Parks wanted a picture of Newman... I didn't get one last time because it was dark. So here it is, isn't he beautiful?

Saturday was Homecoming, so here's Kate n' Kurt. They're pretty beautiful too :)

Song of the day, "Magic Carpet Ride". Very upbeat and snappy, unfortunately I only know about 6 words from it and they are STUCK! Aaarrgghh...

Peas Out :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

just stuff

I know, I promised to keep blogging but it's been a while... Sorry I've been busy!


Yes, I did go to the talky doctor, twice now. He says I am definitely ADD, but what surprised me is that I am also pretty OCD. Wow. Who knew? I guess all those songs in my head are an OCD thing more than an ADD thing. Whatever... ADD, OCD, Dee Dee Dee. Seems like it's all pretty much the same. Give me some pills and make it go away!


Remember the saga of truck shopping? Well, with the "sky is falling" mentality lately, we decided if we didn't buy a truck now, we probably would never be able to. What with our bottom-of-the-heap credit scores and all (that's a whole other subject I ought to blog about someday). So on Saturday we loaded up the Honda and headed to low-overhead Bellevue, WA. Home of the $700,000 mortgage and the Yuppie European car. We went there because some guy named RCurtis (that's not a typo, it's arrcurtis) had called us and told us he had "exactly what we were looking for". Believe it or not he did, and we brought home the most beautiful big blue Dodge truck ever! I named it Newman on account of the death of Paul Newman and the fact that it's almost exactly the color of his eyes.

Anyway, we had brought the Honda thinking we were going to trade her (Penelope Pitstop) in. You gotta understand, Penelope and I have been together for 10 years now. I love her. I did NOT want to trade her in, but alas, she is aging and really doesn't have a spot in the driveway of my life right now, a truck is what I need. I was very sad and positive that I would actually cry real tears if I had to leave Penelope on that lot. Hooray! They didn't really want her! They insulted her superiority by offering a stupidly tiny amount of money for her, so I said thanks but no thanks and prepared to take Penelope back home. Then a miracle happened... We went to Bremerton and had a lovely breakfast with our dearest friends Scott & Bridget, over piles of sausage and hashbrowns we hatched a deal. Bridget (who loves Penelope almost as much as I, although she calls her Hot Rod) was eager to buy the car! And, knowing the value of such a superior and fantastic machine, she was willing to pay an appropriate amount of money to purchase my amazing Hot Rod. So I am happy. I have a beautiful new truck named Newman and in a span of less than five years, my best bitch has gone from being a mini-van-driving-mom-taxi to being a hot-rod-driving-killer-career-woman. You go bitch! Love ya :)


So this is random as hell, but I wanted to point out an example of Americans being just wrong-headed.

I am the new Campaign Leader for a fundraising drive at work. Ya know, where the company collects money from you then sends it to the charity of your choice. It's a cool program, the money comes straight out of your pay, so you don' t have to write a check or anything... Yadda yadda yadda. Anyhoo, so a gal calls today wanting to know how you can find certain charities and I decided to go on the website to poke around and see what kind of places one can send their charitable dollars. I did a search in Whatcom County, then by "category". First I put in "Homeless/Housing Programs", there were 8 charities. Then I put in "Hungry/Feeding Programs", there were 7 charities. Next I put in "Aging/Elderly Programs, 6 charities. Finally I put in "Animals/Environmental Programs", get this, 133 programs. I kid you not! Apparently no one gives a crap about the starving kids or sick old people in Whatcom County, but GOD FORBID a fricken Kitty Cat should be without a home, an outpouring of love and cash will hit that kitty cat like a bleeping ton of bricks. I can't even spell the sound I'm making in my throat right now! I say lets saute' the fricken kitty cats and serve them to the fricken homeless starving families, then train all the fricken volunteer veterinarians to take care of all the fricken sick old people. Finally, we make every single one of the fricken Foster Families take in a fricken homeless HUMAN instead! There's my rant for the day and my solution to the County's problems


Done now. Cya!

Friday, September 19, 2008

By The Way...

Today's song is Dumas Walker's

For those of you not "in the know" it is a catchy little country ditty popular in the mid 80's by the band (get this) Kentucky Headhunters. My favorite line (which I've now sung in my head 249 times this morning) is "We'll have a slaw burger, fries, and a bottle of Skee, bring it on out for my baby and me".

Just don't ask...

Social Networking

Since I really have no social life and part of my job is schmoozing I've decided I need to get better at "social networking". You know, MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, etc. The problem is, I don't have time to keep up with all the new gadgets and applications. I can barely blog, much less update profiles, invite friends, send bulletins, and so on. Maybe I should get my daughter Kate to be my social director? I could give her extra computer time (or something) in exchange for posting random stuff for me. The trouble with that is, if she's mad at me for some reason she'd probably sabotage me... Like invite the biggest dork from 8th grade to be my friend and tell him I "always had a crush on him", or post comments on my boss's space like "You're a big loser and I should have your job" or whatever... Probably not a good idea.

So I've updated FaceBook, which I really don't like much because you have to be someone's "friend" to see anything about them. I prefer MySpace, where you can lurk and spy on people and they never have to know. That 8th grade dork? Yeah, he's a Chemical Engineer now with a beautiful Barbie Doll wife and a Mercedes. Who knew? The fat chick who was the drunkest, sluttiest, girl in school? She's married to a preacher, has five kids, and her tagline is “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”, um, yeah...They're living in a mini-van in the church parking lot.

Anyway, that's my randomness for today. Gotta get ready for work now.

Oh wait! Wait! I have an appointment with the talky doctor!!! Next Wednesday. I'll keep you posted...


Monday, September 15, 2008

Money talk and stuff

So, this is totally wierd. I accidentally made the first good financial decision of my life!!! Last month with the markets so wierd (and because I needed frickin GAS money), I decided to sell some stock. Keep in mind, we are only talking a couple hundred dollars, but I looked at the six or seven places that we were investing and decided to sell the Lehman Funds. I'd made about $75 bucks on $200 in the last year, so it was performing pretty well, but I just had "a feeling". Turns out I was right! ...for once in my life :)

Many people would find this strange, but last weekend I attended my ex-husband's wedding. I gotta tell ya, I was a tiny bit worried that it would be really uncomfortable, not really for my sake, but for others (his family) who were wierded out by my being there. Turned out to be just fine. Poor Glenn looked like he was about to keel over the whole time, but Natalie was beautiful, the kids were clean and well-dressed, and it was a short and sweet ceremony. I was the photographer, so I'm posting a picture of the family...

Most of the guests were pretty lame, so I sat at the biker/hairdresser table, which we all know is much more fun than the "family of the groom" or the "young drunk Navy idiots" table. The following is a picture of Dave Pollard (one of Mrs. Parks' ex-husbands) and the very cool hairdresser. Not pictured is the very gay makeup guy, he left early, which is probably for the best cuz he'd had just enough Mimosas to start hitting on the "young drunk idiots". Things were gonna get ugly...

I was most concerned about the former sister-in-law. We weren't exactly close when I was married to her brother, so things have been decidedly chilly since the divorce. She's just a very unhappy and disapproving woman. Take a look and you'll see what I mean...

But after the reception was winding down (and she'd had several glasses of wine), we had a little chat and all was well. It was great to see the family, I'm glad they accepted my presence, and I'm a lot less worried about graduations, weddings, babies, etc. when my kids hit those milestones. I love my ex-in-laws and I am glad my kids have such great grandparents. This is a very cool picture of Paul and Wilma...

So for those of you out there living an ex-husband nightmare, I am proof that you can be friends. Its not always easy, but it can be done.

In case you're wondering. NO I don't have an appointment with the "talky doctor" yet.