I trudged out to the very dusty track to watch. I had 911 on speed dial and as much as I wanted a couple of Valiums and a bottle of wine, I soon realized that I really didn't need them. He was fast and smooth and in control. Was he being careful? Well... If there's no crying in baseball, there's no careful in motocross. But he was being mindful of his limitations and he wasn't jumping.
My whole point in writing this is to tell you about Jim. When he found out that Joe had ridden the race bike he kinda blew a gasket! A three-hour "discussion" ensued with all of us voicing our opinions about Joe's readiness to ride, the merits of riding Kate's bike vs. the 105, Joe's limits and whether he is aware of them, yadda yadda yadda. The conversation wasn't really heated, but we certainly weren't all in agreement. Jim felt that he was not ready. Joe felt that he was. And I felt that ready or not, he'd actually be more careful on the faster bike because he has more respect for it. Anyway, Jim's final word was "We aren't going to agree, so either way one of us isn't going to be happy". Fair enough. Mom's the tiebreaker.....
(insert Jeopardy music here)
"Honey, why don't you just come out and watch him for a little bit? You can see how he does, and then I'll let you make the final decision."
(more Jeopardy music)
Here's the gist of the phone call I got from Jim at lunchtime the next day. "We're going to have to get a new chain for that bike so he can race next week."
Well, we certainly don't agree on that! I don't want him racing, so I'll be the one unhappy. Men are retarded, whether they're 13 or 30ish. Sheesh.