Wednesday, July 16, 2008

moto joe

I told you a couple of weeks ago that I was letting Joe ride Katy's motorcycle, remember? Well, as I suspected, it didn't take long for him to get very bored with that, so he tuned up his YZ105 and started begging to ride it. Now keep in mind, the 105 is not the big fast bike, but it's certainly no putt-putt either. So, since he'd actually gotten off the couch and did a little work, I rewarded him by reluctantly agreeing to let him try it. As soon as I nodded my head he started jumping into his gear. Kinda looked like a firefighter when the tones go off, I think he had the whole get-up on and was out the door in about 60 seconds!

I trudged out to the very dusty track to watch. I had 911 on speed dial and as much as I wanted a couple of Valiums and a bottle of wine, I soon realized that I really didn't need them. He was fast and smooth and in control. Was he being careful? Well... If there's no crying in baseball, there's no careful in motocross. But he was being mindful of his limitations and he wasn't jumping.

My whole point in writing this is to tell you about Jim. When he found out that Joe had ridden the race bike he kinda blew a gasket! A three-hour "discussion" ensued with all of us voicing our opinions about Joe's readiness to ride, the merits of riding Kate's bike vs. the 105, Joe's limits and whether he is aware of them, yadda yadda yadda. The conversation wasn't really heated, but we certainly weren't all in agreement. Jim felt that he was not ready. Joe felt that he was. And I felt that ready or not, he'd actually be more careful on the faster bike because he has more respect for it. Anyway, Jim's final word was "We aren't going to agree, so either way one of us isn't going to be happy". Fair enough. Mom's the tiebreaker.....

(insert Jeopardy music here)

"Honey, why don't you just come out and watch him for a little bit? You can see how he does, and then I'll let you make the final decision."

(more Jeopardy music)

Here's the gist of the phone call I got from Jim at lunchtime the next day. "We're going to have to get a new chain for that bike so he can race next week."

Well, we certainly don't agree on that! I don't want him racing, so I'll be the one unhappy. Men are retarded, whether they're 13 or 30ish. Sheesh.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, summer has finally arrived! I looked at the long-term forecast this morning and it's nothing but little sunshines for the next 10 days and beyond :) Yay! I guess that means I'd better start watering things. It seems no matter how hard I try, I just can't get very excited about being a gardener. I understand that it is very therapeutic to many people, but to me it's just work. Work that makes my fingernails all yucky chipped and dirty. Of course, putting pretty little flowers in pre-made beds is not too bad, it's the weeding, pruning, cleaning, hauling, whacking, digging, raking and mowing that feels like a lot of work to me. Wish I could afford a landscaper...


Well the kids have been at their dad's this weekend, so it's been awful quiet around here. Nice. You're probably picturing us running around the house half naked enjoying our freedom, but noooo... Jim wrenched his neck really bad on Friday, so we spent half of yesterday at the doctor's office getting him checked out, then another hour at Walmart getting his scrips filled. It was so beautiful out I wanted to go DO something, but the poor guy could hardly hold his head up, so I brought him home and tucked him in at about 3pm and he slept for a good 4 hours. Of course I should have used that time to clean the house or weed the garden or clean out my car, but instead I sat on the couch and flipped between the dog show on Animal Planet, Motocross on Speed, and Intervention on A&E. Strange taste in TV, I have. Doggies, druggies, and dirtbikers--oh my.


We also ran around and got together Kate's big birthday gift. Took two days to find just the right stuff... I can't tell you about it now, cuz she might read the blog, but suffice it to say we spent way too much money and she's gonna LOVE it :)


K, I gotta go get moving. Sorry about the spotty blogging, it's hard to keep up in the summer. And of course, now that I am working I don't have my morning hours to sit in front of the computer. It's okay, I'm liking the job and Lord knows we need the money. So, until next time -- ciao.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Seems I was wrong about the digital needing new batteries...What is needed is a new digital. The one we have got dropped out of a vehicle and is broken. Bummer :( because we had all these cutey patootey cousins roaming around the place this weekend and I have no pictures to show for it. That makes for a boring blog. My apologies!

I'll just describe the scene for you: Mom and James in the RV, Nick, Jen, Elijah and Amelia in Kate's room, Joe and the dogs in his room and Katy on the couch. It was a house full, but it will be even worse on the 19th when we are having Kate's big birthday bash. Then we'll add Sandy, Jeremiah and their kids and probably a dozen squealing teenage girls. I think we've invited about 30 people so far. It should be barrels of fun! My wonderful Mom gave me some $$ to help pay for the party, THANKS MOM!!! I'll make sure there's a working camera on hand so I can get pics.

Overall we had a very nice 4th. The weather cooperated, someone else cooked, the kids blew stuff up and still have all their fingers, what more could you ask for?

Sun's out and I've gotta get moving--Ya'll have a bitchen day :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Well, I started my new job yesterday... So far so good. New jobs are wierd ya know? I met probably 40 people yesterday and don't remember any of them, I walked a mile around the campus (in heels) and couldn't tell you how to find the cafeteria, and I got about a dozen new computer sign-ins and have no idea what half of them are for. S'pose I'll figure it out.

Speaking of heels, I wore my almost-cutest shoes yesterday. They were $4.99 on the super clearance rack at Mervyn's about three years ago. I LOVE THEM! I am working with mostly women, mostly 40ish, and apparently mostly with shoe fetishes, because I had about ten of them come to meet me because they'd heard how cute my shoes were :) There's a hint for any of you starting a new job, wear uber-cute shoes and everyone will remember you!

I stood in my closet at 6 o'clock this morning searching for something to wear and realized that I have great shoes, lots of cute skirts and slacks, and about three shirts :( So after work today I stopped in my favorite consignment store and bought a couple of shirts. I need more, but I will wait until I get my first paycheck so I don't have to justify more expinditures to my DH. I'm really not a dress gal, which is too bad, because a nice dress is easy, you don't have to match anything... Maybe I'll go dress shopping next time.

I was going to post a pic of the uber-cute shoes, but the camera's out of batteries. Maybe tomorrow.
