Okay, I apologize. I dropped off the face of the cyber-earth for a while there, but I'm back. Why am I back you might ask? Well, I guess I kind of have a new mission, muse, subject, whatever... And also, I've figured out why I was gone. This is a loooong one, so go grab a cup of coffee, I'll sing to myself 'til you get back.... "Like a virgin, touched for the very first time...." la la la
You see, I've finally discovered why I can't stick to anything (no, I'm not made of Teflon! Although the discovery of Teflon is actually a really cool story... ) Okay, I won't digress, maybe I'll tell you that story some other time. I've decided to share my discovery with you. I'll try to blog about what's going on, maybe I'll even write a book, it'll be titled "House Full of Crazy", what do you think? I imagine this will be one of those "Epic Journey" kinda things, because now that I know what my problem is, I plan to try to solve said problem. I'm taking you with me. A literary sneak peak for you.
My discovery? I have adult ADHD. I just figured it out.
Well, not really, we've joked about me being ADD for years, but only in a couple of little ways. You see, I always pictured ADHD people as those who can't sit still, are always doing a million things, speak out-of-turn or inappropriately, etc. None of that really applies to me. I tend to be more super-low energy and put a lot of thought into what I'm going to say. So, while we joke about how impatient I am, I never really thought I fit the mold. Then I took a test...
Here's how it happened: I was sitting at my computer (like always), my house was a mess (like always), and I wanted to get motivated to get up and clean it (like always). I googled "procrastination" and one of the first things that popped up was a site about ADHD with a quiz telling you whether or not you have it.
Here are some of the questions that came up:
Do you have a messy house?
Do you start many projects but never finish them?
Do you pay bills late because you've misplaced them or forgotten about them?
Do you have trouble concentrating on what others say because you're too busy composing your next sentence?
Do you hate waiting in line, or being on hold?
Do you have a lot of "chatter" in your head?
Do your thoughts bounce around like a pinball machine?
Do you "tune out" boring or mundane people or tasks?
Do you constantly lose or forget things?
Um, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and so on! I scored 72 out of 75 and when the results were tallied it basically said "GET TO A PSYCHIATRIST IMMEDIATELY". Really. The word IMMEDIATELY was honestly in all caps!
So, wow. It was kind of enlightening to think that I'm not just lazy or have no willpower or whatever, I've actually got a "disease" and like any disease there is treatment available. Cool. It turns out that instead of having a hyperactive body, I have a hyperactive mind. There's meds and therapy to fix it! Or at least help. You think I might actually get organized? Get my house cleaned? Arrange my filing cabinet? Deal with a slow internet connection without going off the deep end? Sweet!
Here's the funny part...Well, if you aren't ADD you might not see the humor... When Jim got home that night I told him what I'd discovered and that I AM going to go see a therapist to get all straightened out. But me being me, I asked him to remind me the next day to actually make the call and get an appointment. He did. I tried.
I googled around for a therapist near my work and found one only a couple of blocks away, so on my lunch break I went down there. The office had mood lighting and soft background music. There were plants and lamps and mellow colors, just what you'd expect. The hippy-dippy receptionist took some information from me and told me the therapist would call me on Monday to set up an appointment. What? Call me on Monday? Don't you understand? I HAVE ADHD!!! I can't wait until MONDAY to set up an appointment!!! I want an appointment right this very minute. And if I can't actually get an appointment for right this very minute, I want you to look in your little book and tell me exactly when I can have an appointment. Then I can take out my trusty cell phone, enter the appointment into my calendar, and set a nifty alarm telling me exactly when my appointment is. Wait till Monday, sweet Baby Jesus that's gonna drive me NUTS!
It's not Monday yet. I don't have an appointment. I told Jim I should have said I was suicidal. Bet that would have gotten me on the damn mood-lit books!
In case you know me and you're kind of thinking I'm making this up or whatever, I want to give you a taste of a couple of hours in my head...
My husband often asks me what I did all day. This is a tough one for me and I usually just produce a blank stare.
"Well, I um...unloaded the dishwasher."
It went something like this:
I got up, and while I walked to the coffee pot I hummed the chorus from "Like a Virgin". Then I had my coffee, smoked a few cigarettes, and poked around on the computer for an hour or so. "Touched for the very first time". On the MSN homepage there's an article about tasty chicken recipes that looks interesting. I cruise around the recipe site for a while and find one I want to try. So I figure I'd better go get the chicken out of the freezer and put it in the sink to defrost. "Like a vir-ir-ir-ir-gin". I get to the kitchen and see that the sink is crammed with dirty dishes, so I've got to do something about them before I can take out the chicken. But first I need to unload the dishwasher. "When your heart beats next to mine". I get about 1/2 way done unloading the dishwasher when I have to pee, so I head to the bathroom. When I come out of the bathroom (which is right next to the laundry room) I realize that there's a load of jeans in the dryer to fold so I start folding laundry. Within a few minutes the phone rings and it's my mom wanting me to check something out for her online. "Gonna give you all my love boy". So I go to the computer to google it and decide first to check my email. In one of my emails there's a link to an interesting story about the Large Hadron Collider, so I click on that and start to read. Within the story there is a mention of Quarks. What's a quark? I wonder, so I click the link and try to find out. The quark story leads to a link about black holes. Holes? Wait! Jim's got a pair of jeans that need to be mended."My fears are fadin' fa-ayast". So I get up from the computer and go rummage around in the closet for the holey jeans. I can't find the jeans, but I do find Katy's baby book. Awwww, I flip through the book looking at just how sweet she was when she was tiny. Which reminds me, I promised to mail her dad a statement from the insurance company. I go to my desk, rummage around for the statement, I can't find it, but it's too late, the mail lady has already come and gone, so I put on my slippers and traipse out to the mailbox anyway. "La La La La only love can la-ayast". (Irritating, isn't it?) I see that there's a notice that some bill hasn't been paid, so I come back in and sign back on and go to my online bank to see if I can afford to pay it. I should, but I instead I notice that there's a charge for $65.00 from Arco that I didn't know about. Arco! Doh, I promised Joe I'd get him some gas for his bike before his lesson today! "Oooh like a virgin". So I change from the slippers to flip-flops and head out to the garage for the gas can. While I'm out there I notice that the horse's water needs to be filled so I turn on the hose. While I'm waiting for the water to fill I check my little garden for veggies and sure enough, there are zucchinis ready to be picked, so I pick the zucchinis and head back toward the kitchen where I notice that I've left the dishwasher hanging open. "Touched for the very first time".I realize that Jim will be home in 1/2 hour so I'd better start making dinner, but before I can do that I need to finish unloading the dishwasher, which I do. See? I was busy all day.
What I did:
unloaded the diswasher
sang (in my head) the chorus of a song that I HATE about 2,000 times
What I didn't do:
defrost the chicken
fold the laundry
check on my mom's stuff
fix the holey jeans
send the statement to Glenn
pay my bill
get Joe's gas
turn off the horse's water
and a million other things that needed to be done!
So to make a short story long, what I thought was early Alzheimer's is actually late ADHD. I know I've had it all my life, I was just never really bothered about it until I realized that it's probably responsible for many of the day-to-day issues that negatively impact my life. The main one being my inability to finish anything. I see now that I don't even start many things because I know that my endless self-editing and perfectionism will make a simple task nearly impossible. Aaargh! I will be happy if I can just keep a tidy, somewhat organized house. Hell, if I can complete only half of what I start, the second half of my life ought to be productive and successful. Wish me luck!
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