Monday, June 2, 2008

race update

I forgot to get pictures of the James Gang. Sorry. Suffice it to say that they all look good, haven't changed a bit, are still loud and crazy, and we had a lovely (too short) visit. The Gang is down to Dwight, Debbie, and Samantha (14). Ian has finally moved out and is living in Texas. Rumor has it that he loves it there and is gainfully employed. What more can you ask for for your high-school-drop-out-hard-partying-twenty-three-year-old son? Amanda (15) is in Juvy. Stole mom's car, went on a three-day joyride, ran out of gas, called to get picked-up. Mom obliged by sending men in uniform to get her. Don't mess with Debbie James!


speed racer

Katy raced at Hannegan on Thursday night. Once again she started kinda shaky then got into her groove and finished strong. She got the holeshot (which is a really big deal in motocross racing)!!! But then she, uh, kinda got "stuffed" in a corner and went off the track.

When Katy's racing, pictures are always so much more entertaining than mere words. See for yourself:

good start
getting to the front
woo hoo, holeshot!
uh oh
nothin' hurt but her pride

The funny thing is, I ordered her a 'butt patch' that goes on the back of her gear pants that says "COTCHA LOOKIN". Too bad we haven't gotten it yet, would have been perfect for these pics :)

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