Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well, summer has finally arrived! I looked at the long-term forecast this morning and it's nothing but little sunshines for the next 10 days and beyond :) Yay! I guess that means I'd better start watering things. It seems no matter how hard I try, I just can't get very excited about being a gardener. I understand that it is very therapeutic to many people, but to me it's just work. Work that makes my fingernails all yucky chipped and dirty. Of course, putting pretty little flowers in pre-made beds is not too bad, it's the weeding, pruning, cleaning, hauling, whacking, digging, raking and mowing that feels like a lot of work to me. Wish I could afford a landscaper...


Well the kids have been at their dad's this weekend, so it's been awful quiet around here. Nice. You're probably picturing us running around the house half naked enjoying our freedom, but noooo... Jim wrenched his neck really bad on Friday, so we spent half of yesterday at the doctor's office getting him checked out, then another hour at Walmart getting his scrips filled. It was so beautiful out I wanted to go DO something, but the poor guy could hardly hold his head up, so I brought him home and tucked him in at about 3pm and he slept for a good 4 hours. Of course I should have used that time to clean the house or weed the garden or clean out my car, but instead I sat on the couch and flipped between the dog show on Animal Planet, Motocross on Speed, and Intervention on A&E. Strange taste in TV, I have. Doggies, druggies, and dirtbikers--oh my.


We also ran around and got together Kate's big birthday gift. Took two days to find just the right stuff... I can't tell you about it now, cuz she might read the blog, but suffice it to say we spent way too much money and she's gonna LOVE it :)


K, I gotta go get moving. Sorry about the spotty blogging, it's hard to keep up in the summer. And of course, now that I am working I don't have my morning hours to sit in front of the computer. It's okay, I'm liking the job and Lord knows we need the money. So, until next time -- ciao.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oooooo, I have been HOOKED on intervention! Didja see the one about the guy in Hawaii? Or how bout the one with the pill popping mother of two? I also enjoyed the one about the drunk morman girl with the mother who couldn't say "I love you."
Anywho, email with the scoop on Kates b-day bash, I need real information from somewhere other than the big box in my living room : )