Monday, September 15, 2008

Money talk and stuff

So, this is totally wierd. I accidentally made the first good financial decision of my life!!! Last month with the markets so wierd (and because I needed frickin GAS money), I decided to sell some stock. Keep in mind, we are only talking a couple hundred dollars, but I looked at the six or seven places that we were investing and decided to sell the Lehman Funds. I'd made about $75 bucks on $200 in the last year, so it was performing pretty well, but I just had "a feeling". Turns out I was right! ...for once in my life :)

Many people would find this strange, but last weekend I attended my ex-husband's wedding. I gotta tell ya, I was a tiny bit worried that it would be really uncomfortable, not really for my sake, but for others (his family) who were wierded out by my being there. Turned out to be just fine. Poor Glenn looked like he was about to keel over the whole time, but Natalie was beautiful, the kids were clean and well-dressed, and it was a short and sweet ceremony. I was the photographer, so I'm posting a picture of the family...

Most of the guests were pretty lame, so I sat at the biker/hairdresser table, which we all know is much more fun than the "family of the groom" or the "young drunk Navy idiots" table. The following is a picture of Dave Pollard (one of Mrs. Parks' ex-husbands) and the very cool hairdresser. Not pictured is the very gay makeup guy, he left early, which is probably for the best cuz he'd had just enough Mimosas to start hitting on the "young drunk idiots". Things were gonna get ugly...

I was most concerned about the former sister-in-law. We weren't exactly close when I was married to her brother, so things have been decidedly chilly since the divorce. She's just a very unhappy and disapproving woman. Take a look and you'll see what I mean...

But after the reception was winding down (and she'd had several glasses of wine), we had a little chat and all was well. It was great to see the family, I'm glad they accepted my presence, and I'm a lot less worried about graduations, weddings, babies, etc. when my kids hit those milestones. I love my ex-in-laws and I am glad my kids have such great grandparents. This is a very cool picture of Paul and Wilma...

So for those of you out there living an ex-husband nightmare, I am proof that you can be friends. Its not always easy, but it can be done.

In case you're wondering. NO I don't have an appointment with the "talky doctor" yet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Now you know this just FREAKS me out.
Glenn has gained SO much weight!

Oh yeah, there was that picture of my favorite ex-husband too : )

Is he really hooked up with a hair dresser?
He looks great.

Glenn looks different.
Not sparkly.

Thats ok, I haven't looked to sparkly at a few of my weddings either.

Glad your back : )