Monday, May 12, 2008

Long time no blog, sorry.

Well, it has been a "race weekend" for us. Which means I am worthless as a blogger from about 1pm on Thursday until about 1pm on Monday.

Thursday night Katy raced at Hannegan. She wrecked. A couple of times. Thankfully she didn't hurt anything but her pride. I think she just gets all worked up when its a real race, because when she's practicing at home she really looks great. Watch the action:

It's okay, I was laughing my ass off too :)

Then after she's wrecked a couple of times at the race she kind of settles in and does well...

Whatever. One of these days she'll put it all together. Or in Motocross talk, she'll "get it dialed in".

On Friday after the usual "I don't have the stinkin' keys, I thought YOU had the keys!" and "JOE, don't forget a clean pair of socks!" and all the other crap that goes along with getting on the road, we headed for Washougal. Last week we left the RV there rather than have to fill the damn thing up twice. So our plan was to take the Honda back down this weekend. This being due to the clapped-out nature of the aforementioned Suburban.

Well, here's the deal, we had my sister Sandy's kids for the week AND their large yellow lab and we needed to return them all to Seattle. Are you getting the picture? We loaded my poor little Honda with Me, Jim, Katy, Joe, James, Mailia, our dog Foo, their dog Honey, and a trunk absolutely bulging with crap! Ewww what a ride. If I wasn't choking on flying dog hair I was gagging on stinky feet smell. Thank God we only had to get the kids to the ferry in Seattle. After that the trip was not too bad. I did notice however that my car doesn't get much better gas mileage than the RV when its loaded so full that its belly is dragging on the road turtles. Poor Penelope.

So we had a long racing weekend and are happy not to have another one for a few weeks, cuz it was a doozy. Thankfully we didn't have a rider, because a kid was killed Saturday morning before racing even happened. I would have been freaked out if either of my kids or one of the ones we usually take with us had been racing this weekend. It was very sad. My first thought was "Thank God that isn't my kid" followed closely by "Oh, his poor family". If you want to read about it you can check it out on my website. Let me know how you think I handled the story. Its such a touchy thing...Trying not to offend anyone or say something wrong. Yikes.

Anyway, I am glad the weekend is over and we are all home safe and sound with no extra kids, no extra dogs, and all our little racers healthy and happy. Well, except for Halo Boy, he's still looking a little sickly, but he's doing damn well considering. Which reminds me, I want to do a blog showing joe before and after. You won't believe how much different he looks. Keep an eye out for that one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

uh yeah.... just checked the messages from LAST weekend saying you would be here > { Sorry to miss you all. Your story made my belly hurt.